Phase Out

This section covers the elements used in Replenishment for phasing out items from replenishment at the end of their life cycle.

Phase out includes:

  • Disabling items from replenishment calculation
    This covers the different possibilities to disable an item from replenishment.
  • Stock Recall
    Stock Recall enables the creation of Transfer Orders from the stores to the warehouse or any other location, like an outlet center.

Disabling items from Automatic Replenishment

An item is considered in Automatic Replenishment if the following conditions occur:

  • Item is not blocked (the Blocked field on the Retail Item card)
  • Item is not blocked due to Item Status (the Block Purchasing and Block Transferring fields)
  • Item is not set to Exclude from Replenishment (check box on Retail Item card)
  • For setups with graded assortment (see: Assortment)
    • Item has a Replenishment Grade set up (on Retail Item card)
  • For setups without graded assortment (see: Assortment)
    • Item has a set up Item Distribution with the setting Active-Central-Calculate in the item distribution record.
  • Item has valid Replenishment parameters.

To disable an item, one of the above conditions need to be set accordingly.
The most common approaches are to block the item (on the Retail Item card or via Item Status) or to remove or adjust the Item Distribution or Replenishment Grade.

Stock Recall

Stock Recall collects items with stock from the stores and returns them to a warehouse or any other location. The entire stock or a part of it will be recalled.
The outcome of a Stock Recall are Transfer Orders from the stores to the destination location. Allocation Rules are used to define the included stores in the recall.

(Click to enlarge)


The goals of this step:

  • Get a understanding of how the retailer phases out items at the end of the life cycle.
  • Set up the right methods to disable items from automatic replenishment.
  • Set up Stock Recalls in LS Central.

Key questions / considerations

Item phase out

  • What happens when items reach their end-of-life?
  • Are items blocked?
  • Is the Item Status functionality used?
  • Are items removed from Assortment?

Stock Recall

  • What happens when items reach their end-of-life?
  • Are items recalled from HQ?

LS Central setup considerations

Replenishment Setup

Number Series need to be set up for Stock Recalls:

(Click to enlarge)

Stock Recall

For details on how to set up and use Stock Recall see:

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